Dear Light workers,
If you or someone you know, wish to receive the ETHEREAL CRYSTALS Attunement kindly Enroll your name for the Attunement on October 12, 2008.
Kindly note that the Pre-Requisite for the Attunement is Usui Reiki 2. You can take this Attunement even if are taking any other Attunement currently.
Please read the Introduction of the ETHEREAL CRYSTALS Manualcarefully before posting a request. You can get the manual by "Clicking" the above link or alternatively "Right-clicking" the above link & selecting the "Save as" option.
THERE ARE NINE (9) INDIVIDUAL ATTUNEMENTS! EC 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 in the ETHEREAL CRYSTALS modality up till now. All nine have to be taken separately.
The Attunements will be given in batches as
Ethereal Crystals 1-2-3
To be taken down by student as EC1, EC2, EC3 separately keeping an interval of about 5 days between each.
Ethereal Crystals 4-5-6
To be taken down by student as EC4, EC5, EC6 separately keeping an interval of about 5 days between each.
Ethereal Crystals 7-8-9
To be taken down by student as EC7, EC8, EC9 separately keeping an interval of about 5 days between each.
To invoke the Attunement merely say, "I accept Ethereal Crystal 1(level which you are taking) Attunement as it is manifested for me”
Kindly do feedback, that may enable you to move to the next level.
We also presume that you are familiar with Attunements? and General Guidelines for attunements.
These Attunements come to you as a Divine Gift of Love from John Aposteledes & THC.
Please Kindly submit the Attunement Format in the following Format only.
Attunement Request Format
Name: Age (approximately) : Gender: Location:
(e.g. City & Country)
Have you introduced yourself at the forum?
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement?
(study the manuals thoroughly)
Attunement Style and level:
(Kindly Submit only one request at
a time go step by step, after attuning
to EC-1-2-3, request for EC-4-5-6).
Why are you interested in attunements?
(These energy system comes from Divine Source.
It deserves highest respect and honor. Your answer
helps us to know how serious you are about the
Additional information:
(Comments-If you have already attuned to any Reiki modality, kindly write down your experience with this energy)
You will have to send distant healing to Holistic Light Sphere and send healing to Healing Requests at THC by posting and feedback them regularly. If OK then only submit the post.
God Bless.
Name: Robert Travers
Age : 31
Gender: Male
Location: Scotland
Have you introduced yourself at the forum? Yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement? Yes
Attunement Style and level: EC-1-2-3
Why are you interested in attunements? I wish to further my healing knowledge and abilities, and experience this exciting modality. My aim is to heal myself and continue to bring healing to those around me.
Additional information:
Attuned to Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Kundalini Reiki 1
Name: hamiod reza ebrahimi
Age (approximately) : 28
Gender: male
Location:shiraz -iran
(e.g. City & Country)
Have you introduced yourself at the forum?yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement?
(study the manuals thoroughly)yes
Attunement Style and level: EC-1-2-3
(Kindly Submit only one request at
a time go step by step, after attuning
to EC-1-2-3, request for EC-4-5-6).
Why are you interested in attunements? for improve myself
(These energy system comes from Divine Source.
It deserves highest respect and honor. Your answer
helps us to know how serious you are about the
Additional information:
(Comments-If you have already attuned to any Reiki modality, kindly write down your experience with this energy)
You will have to send distant healing to Holistic Light Sphere and send healing to Healing Requests at THC by posting and feedback them regularly. If OK then only submit the post.
God Bless.
Location: USA
Have you introduced yourself at the forum? yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for theAttunement?(study the manuals thoroughly) Yes
Attunement Style and level: EC 1-2-3
Why are you interested in attunements? Currantly I use crystal along withmy Reiki and energy workI am always looking for different modalities to bring love and light to mybrothers and sister all over the world.
Additional information: This would be an excellent addition to the work Ido , I stongly beleive in the power of stones,and this would be a wonderful way for me to share them with those I meet.
Location: Wymondham Norfolk England
Have you introduced yourself at the forum? yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement?(study the manuals thoroughly) Yes
Attunement Style and level: EC 1-2-3
Why are you interested in attunements? I use crystals when I channel Reiki and welcome the chance to increase my knowledge and energies so it will benefit anyone I work on.
Additional information: I've been attuned to reiki I, II and master/teacher and Kundalini I and II.
Age (approximately) : 41
Gender: MALE
(e.g. City & Country)
Have you introduced yourself at the forum?- YES
Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement?-- YES
(study the manuals thoroughly)
Attunement Style and level: Ethereal Crystals 4-5-6
Why are you interested in attunements?
(These energy system comes from Divine Source.
It deserves highest respect and honor. Your answer
helps us to know how serious you are about the
Name: Rahul Nadkarni
Age (approximately) : 31
Gender: male
(e.g. City & Country)
Have you introduced yourself at the forum?yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement?
(study the manuals thoroughly)yes
Attunement Style and level: EC-1-2-3
Why are you interested in attunements? for improve myself
For Spiritual growth as we ll as to help for other
who need it
Additional information:
(Comments-If you have already attuned to any Reiki modality, kindly write down your experience with this energy)
I have done Usui Reiki 1-2-3
Name: Silas Garrett
Age (approximately) : 28
Gender: male
Location: Fort Meade, Maryland United States
Have you introduced yourself at the forum? yes
Are you at least Usui Reiki 2 & Have you completed requisite study for the Attunement? yes
Attunement Style and level: EC-1-2-3
Why are you interested in attunements?
I am interested in many healing modalities, and am an experienced energy healer. I have been interested in crystal healing for some time, but have only a small selection of stones. This system seems to be a perfect way to combine those two interests in my healing work.