I don't know if it does has any interest on this forum... I needed 14 years to attain this biolachemical process of autosustainable continuous transformation of seminal liquid into energy. This is not too much... but it's a start. Much more is ahead to do...
I am currently writing a book about this... and it will be a scientific approach to this kind of phenomena. I haven't practicing Reiki, ... just very little hatha yoga and ... the rest joy of life... however it wasn't so easy.
I had translated into english a short part... maybe it is of interest...
Human bioalchemy is the final and irreversible process, started, appearantly miraculously, once in a lifetime, in the "critical mass”. By this process, the living matter at cellular level, secreted by seminal glands, transmutes and trans-sublimes, under the conscience (and thoughts) influence in a certain form of energy or "bioplasma” (known in esoteric literature under different names like kundalini, vital energy, vital bioenergy, life power, qi, etc.), having as effect the liberation from the chain of emotional impulses and addictions, getting courage, finding superior love, correct speech, mental power etc. that are going to be presented in extenso in the following chapters.
Thus, human bioalchemy can also be understood as "more than biochemy”, as the substances combination at input exclusively generates energy without by-products of reaction, in the output. In this way we have mechanisms like:
(1) BIOCHIMIC MECHANISM : Food --> Ssimple + Ea
Food is metabolized in the presence of Oxygen from inspired air. As a result of all reactions, it is resulted the necessary energy for maintaining vital processes in the body (constant temperature, motility, cognitive processes, etc.). It shortly represents the difference between the energy of chemical bonds, which are discharged, and that of the bonds that are initiated (energy noted as Ea, which is of food origin), and simple by-substances noted with Ssimple (while some of them are toxical), which are to a large extent evacuated by the body. All this process has a medium output that significantly decreases while time passes.
(Note: During the growth of the body, food is the one that also offers supplementary cellular mass necessary to the growth.)
The equation (2) suggests a complete transformation of a mix of substances with vital character in pure energy noted with Eb that previously goes through an intermediary state Si. This mechanism is catalysed by an element from the bioinformational structure, presumably the mind. Both types of mechanisms can be found in the human body and both are manifested in all human beings, with the difference that in case (2), with common people, there are considerable energy losses explained by the equation (3), as in this case the body supplements its vital energy by mechanisms of the type (1), while consuming significant amounts of food rich in saturated fats and calories.
(3) BIOALCHEMIC MECHANISM WITH LOSSES: Mn , Ms --> (^Mn% , ^Ms%) + Eb% – Edev
I have noted with Mn% , Ms% the same combination of substances at input, where a certain amount was lost (^), as expressed in percent (%) (in majority, usually) in the outside of the body and only a small part was transformed in energy (Eb% noted with the sign + as it was accumulated in the body). It is to be noted that the intermediary state Si and also the catalyser are missing. Each time the seminal liquid is released a certain loss of of vitality is registered, formally associated to the energy Edev, which is the equivalent of the seminal liquid mass, that could have had the possibility or potential to be transformed (from the total mass produced Mn, Ms in a certain interval of time), favouring almost instantaneously the sensation of somnolence, fatigue and lack of mental concentration. We can thus formulate the hypothesis that |Edev|, in absolute value, is by approximation equal to Eb, except for a minority component, noted with Eb%, that appears naturally, but in insufficient amount. For this reason, the sign minus was noted with Edev, as it refers to something lost by the body. In other words, the bioalchemic mechanism is present in all living systems, but in case of human beings it works with a low efficiency and needs a supplementary stage of improvement. The amounts from the brackets are lost inside the body.
• In situation (1) this inefficient way of obtaining energy has the disadvantage that, with the time being the organs and systems get worn out and prematurely aged, the capacity of processing food decreases, vital needs are larger and larger, and the accumulation of toxic products (those that the body can no longer eliminate) favour the inevitable appearance of diseases.
• The mechanism of type (2) has the role of a supplement to the vital requirements of the body, extending the duration of organ and biological systems functioning, diminishing the accumulation of toxic products. But in this case, Mn, Ms are components of biological nature, produced by seminal glands that, besides the scientifically acknowledged role of accomplishing the reproductive function and expressing emotions of erotic nature, offer an "alternative” source for obtaining energy of the same type with that which ensures the maintenance of all vital processes in the body (noted with Eb).
Depending on the total amount of the energy from both processes (biochemical and bioalchemical) we can estimate the degree of vitality of an individual. For reasons still very little known, some people present native aptitudes, more or less conscientious, for using bioalchemical mechanisms sufficiently well. Their vitality may be associated to the outer form and the body weight. It represents an expression of some potential situated above average, in regard to the processing speed of information, their general vision on phenomena and events, a very good social integration, spontaneity and calm.
Thus, total energy accumulated would represent a sort of summoning the specific energies of the two reactions, as follows:
(a) Etotal = Ea + Eb
respectively in the situation of two of them, we have:
(b) Etotal = Ea + Eb% – Edev
With the time passing and gradual and inevitable degradation of organs and biological systems, it is resulted the situation when Ea is too little for the maintenance of body functions and some organs start to cede and stop their activity. In this way, the sum between Ea and Eb% is no longer sufficient for covering the losses by seminal devitalisation noted with Edev, and Etotal is in continuous decrease. Of course, there are many other causes, but case (b) is largely spread.
The very rare situations where case (a) can be included generate such a good bioalchemic energetic supply that, in absence of significant physical effort, the mount Eb is large enough to supplement Ea almost totally, while the subjects manifested reduced necessities of food and water, and also reduced necessities of sleep. From such situation we can deduce the fact that Eb > Ea.
The mix of the two substances noted with Mn, Ms has a special property, still undiscovered and not acknowledged by medical science, even if there are efforts of research in this field. Their mixture is especially sensible at thoughts action and depending of their amount and intensity, some trans-sublimations are produced, which allow the modification of the aggregation state from the suspension of a solid dispersed in liquid to an unknown state similar to that of “cold bioplasma” (while firstly going through a short intermediary state noted with Si, associated to emotional moments of life consciousness that consequently influence the seminal matter). After that, at a certain “signal”, this violently trans-sublimes to the “bioplasma” state, while leaving the cover of the seminal gland.
At that moment, the energy continues to be oriented to a certain direction, somehow ascendant, that is not necessarily parallel to the spine.
The detail of this so-called ascension will be explained in Chapter 4. All human beings and all animals with warm blood use both mechanisms to produce energy necessary to supporting vital processes. In the case of human beings, as well as of other species of primates, seminal glands spermatogenesis goes beyond vital common necessities, and the subconscious process manifested for very many generations is that of evacuation of the “surplus”, while it was noticed that there is a certain turbulence or psychic discomfort. In the course of science development, this phenomenon has been considered “natural” and in this way all medicine books assert that the state of “normality” is defined by the manifestation of an identical behaviour, specific to the majority of the individuals of the human species. But there are also exceptions.
In this context, the book of Professor Adrian Pătruţ, entitled “From normal to paranormal” (Ed. Sincron 1992), presents several hypotheses:
Modern biosystemic theories, expressing the official position of science, consider that the fundamental properties of the living systems, which define life, can be expressed in physical-chemical terms.
Living systems are chemical systems with fundamental properties which, taken separately, are either physical or chemical, as they really combine in organisms, according to biological laws. In this way, biosystemic theories state that none of the properties of the living systems is biological in itself and they reduce organisms to a single material component, structured and represented by the physical body.
Against these theories that can be considered exclusively molecular and that do not explain in a satisfying manner some aspects of life, there were many voices that rose against, even from the inside of the scientific community. The biostructural theory of Eugen Macovschi that endorses the so-called biostructure can be placed among the essays to rise above the actual models of biology.
Exotic theories, either ancient or modern, affirm that at the life basis there is a principle or a defining element of immaterial nature (called soul), respectively energetic (called Qi, prana, Ka, etc.) that supports the physical body in its relationship to the soul. Thus, living organisms would dispose of at least two elements: physical body and bioplasmatic system that is the animating and modulating factor of this body.
Even if the studies of the phenomena of inedie that were accomplished in extremely rigorous conditions from the scientific point of view compel us to accept as possible the conversion substance - bioplasma - substance, while by this fact we are suggested that it should be present, even at a very low level in any human being.
In case of inedia, this hypothesis does not need a demonstration because the subject consumes exclusively O2 and eliminates CO2 that is a significant amount of carbon, without losing corporal mass. This situation is different from the one where energetic conversions take place, on the type trans-physical energy - physical energy that could be associated to spontaneous combustions but also to inedie, while we do not know exactly their origin.
In this case, it is natural to wonder how the bioplasmatic system is generated and what laws lay at the base of its direct action on the body. These mechanisms have been presented, only hypothetically, in some special studies, but until present they are not really known.
The role of this book to focus the attention of scientific community on these special cases associated to esoteric practices, but which do not necessarily depend on them. We can identify at least two categories of disciples: those who succeed (very little in number) and those who fail (the majority). The essence of the so-called esoteric teachings intends, in a first stage, to make the human being consciously intensify bioalchemic mechanisms that result in cultivating and developing other aptitudes that are going to prepare it for subsequent superior stages, but which do not make the object of this book. There are also individuals natively gifted with aptitudes that do not need practical approaches.
The disciples call this a spiritual way of inner evolution, but, in reality, by intensifying bio alchemic mechanisms, reported to the already known biochemical ones, it is accomplished nothing but an increase in the degree of vitality, emotional freedom and clarity in thought or shortly a human being that develops with an increased efficiency.
Only after a certain period of time, from the activation of this inner process, the disciple is able to join whatever we call a personal way of development (Zen, yoga, martial arts, praying, tai chi, etc.), while improving the bioalchemic mechanism in such situations was an absolutely necessary condition. Of course we would naturally ask what would be the use of these aspects and phenomena. There is no definite answer, but rather a series of reasons regarding the premature degradation of the physical body and mind, so that the lack of efficiency of this bioalchemic mechanism, for a long time or even for the whole lifetime, determines the appearance of diseases. Usually, at the age of 35-40, the heart functioning is put to risk, premature degeneration of vertebral disks is favoured, cholesterol appears inhibiting this very active mechanism in youth time, which makes the body eliminate this substance from the blood, as well as a massive diminishing of the immune system (by reducing the number of T cells, and diminishing the degree of pathogens detection, of the antioxidant cellular shield, see Ed McCabe, “Oxygen and Ozone Therapies”) In addition, important psychic disorders appear, together with augmented emotional depressions and a long list of troubles that can be easily recognized by studying the aggressive behaviour of individuals.
As queer as it may seem, the biunivocal relation of brain - emotions - seminal glands is one of major importance in people's life. The various problems of somatic or psycho-emotional nature, which are overwhelming modern society, have reached critical and apparently insurmountable levels. The majority of traditional and scientific methods of fighting against stress is at deadlock, and people are more and more dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction pushes them excessively and almost exclusively towards the ideal of a more facile and luxurious life, hoping in vain that this is everything they can be.
However, the majority of people hardly benefits from a living situated at the decency limit or even worse, so this idea of dissatisfaction, of failing to find self-identity, is much more emphasized by the living standard and by professional and personal failures. Solutions are searched, numerous topics are debated and various approaches are suggested, but results are delayed. The essential target of the modern society man remains the same: satisfying his emotional needs and getting success in obtaining an easier living, which is no doubt an important objective, but it is not equivalent to “what’s best”.
Health is often “omitted” from this objective, but stress and traumas have become so very deeply rooted in each individual that they are the „natural” meaning of everyday life, while assuming that: “illness is inevitable, stress is inevitable or vices are inevitable.” In this case there is a unique conclusion: “suffering is inevitable”. The belief in this idea sets a limit to any possible inner development or possible solutions of breaking a deadlock. The author does not claim that he discovered a concrete and ideal solution for everyone but, on the contrary, it seems applicable only in special circumstances, hard enough to reach, but not impossible, while the method itself is not transmissible. It needs an individual discovery.
The majority of animals have no “problems” regarding the use of latent potentials that allow them to survive in extreme conditions or in a prolonged state of hibernation, but some species of primate present behaviours similar to the human ones. This led to the conclusion that this is the “natural disposition” of our inner state and consequently it isn’t worth paying too much attention on it. In this way, media goes on cultivating this behaviour in films full of violence, exacerbated sexuality and drug consume. In our opinion we should set aside the stupid idea that the man would have “evolved” from monkeys, for joining some healthier and ecological ideas according to which the human being has exceptional inner resources that he can access in certain conditions.
It is important to specify that even if official science asserts that the matter does not sublime in energy, yet a whole series of mysterious processes discovered in nature, by means of biology or quantum physics, suggest more and more the contrary to this assertion. This barrier would be very hard to pass as long as observations are rare and hard to verify or duplicate in laboratory conditions.
According to quantum physics, which gets more and more credibility in our vision, the matter is nothing else but a condensed form of energy (or densified field), in a vibratory condition, different from the rest of energies and fields acknowledged by classical physics.
In addition, the observer’s presence can modify the reaction conditions, as part of the spectrum of energies. For example, the indisputable influence of the observer is added to the hypothetical position of a particle or to the determination of its behaviour (of wave or corpuscle). In this way, at the atomic level, the matter shows the “tendency to be”, while the events do not develop at well defined moments of time, but they have the “tendency to be performed”. So, the manifestations are associated to some probabilities, and the particles or waves are no longer “real”, but “probable”, being sometimes “probability waves”. We generally consider the space as empty and the matter as solid. But in fact the matter does not contain absolutely anything, while completely lacking substance. Let’s take for example an atom. We consider it being a solid ball. Then we think that in fact there is a tiny and dense point, just in the centre, surrounded by a fluffy cloud of “probable” electrons, oscillating between existence and non-existence. Subsequently, it is demonstrated that this thing is neither true. Even the nucleus that we consider to be that dense alternates between existence and non-existence, as aleatory as the electrons.
The most “reliable” thing that we can assert about all this unsubstantial matter is that it is more of a thought’s nature, it is like a concentrated bit of information. Things are not made up of something rough, but of ideas and concepts, shortly of information, rightly considered to be the fundamental quantity of the Universe. Electrons have an electrical charge which rejects the others before touching them. In the conscious experience we seem to be getting further in time but in the quantum theory we can also go backwards in time. If we do not see the process, then it is like a wave or waves of possibilities. If we look at it, then it is like a particle or particles of de possibilities. A particle that we consider as being solid, it exists in a so-called super-position, similar to extended locations of possibilities. The particle exists in all those places simultaneously.
In the moment we are focusing on it, it is sharply “stabilized” in a single position from all the possible positions. Quantum super-positioning asserts that a particle can exist simultaneously in two or many other places or states. This is a very bizarre concept and represents one of the essential qualities of the quantum world, until we make a choice. The question is: how can a system or an object be in two or more states at the same time? We think of things as being things, as we are accustomed to think that everything around us is already a concrete thing that exists without our contribution, without our choice.
We should radically eliminate this type of thinking and in turn acknowledge that even the material world around us: the chairs, the table, the room, the carpet, even the video camera, all these are nothing else but manifestations of their development, at a certain moment. Every moment, we are choosing one of those manifestations, to bring personal experience into it. This is the only necessary way of thinking to be developed and applied during the reading.
Our tendency is to consider that the world and the Universe independently exist beyond us, independently from our de experience. It is not like that. Quantum physics is very clear in this direction.
Heisenberg, the co-discoverer of quantum physics, stated that atoms are not things, but only tendencies. But instead of thinking at things, it is better to think at possibilities. All of them are possibilities of a consciousness.
Quantum physics calculates possibilities. But if we accept this, than a question rises immediately: “Who/What makes a choice from these possibilities to determine the experimented event?” So, it is spontaneously generated the understanding of the fact that a conscience is surely implied. The observer cannot be ignored. We know what an observer does from the quantum physics perspective, but we do not know who or what is in fact the Observer. This doesn’t mean that we didn’t try to find an answer. There is nobody in the brain, there is nobody in the cerebral cortex, there is nobody in the sub-cortical or limbic region of the brain, and there is nobody there to be called: the Observer. But in spite of all these, we all have the experience of the Observer, something that is looking at the world from the outside. But is this Observer, who finds understanding so complicated, precisely the queer and mad world of quantum particles and the way they react? Is this the Observer? This question generates another one: “Do people influence the world and the surrounding reality?” Yes, of course. Each of us influences the surrounding reality, even if we are trying to hide from it. When we are thinking of the surrounding things, we make the reality more concrete than it is. This is the point that we get stuck in. We get stuck in the similitude of reality. We think that if reality is concrete, then obviously, I am unimportant and I cannot change it.
But if the reality is my possibility, a possibility of the conscience in itself, then a question appears immediately: How can I change it? How can I improve it? How can I make it happier? And in this way we are extending our own image. In the old pattern of thinking, I cannot change anything, as I have no function in this reality, while the reality was already there before me. It is made up of material objects that are in motion, according to a deterministic precise law. The world is made up of possible temporal lines of reality, until the moment we make the choice. All realities simultaneously exist in a quantum field. The definition that quantum physics offers to addiction is very simple: addiction is a process that you cannot stop. There are different worlds in which we live: the macroscopical world that we can see, there is also a world of cells, of our atoms, of nuclei, completely different worlds that have their own language and mathematics. Not only that they are tiny, but each world is completely different, while they are simultaneously complementary as I am my atoms and I am at the same time the cells; I am also my macroscopical physiology. All of them are true, only there are different levels of truth. The most profound level of the truth, revealed by science and philosophy, is the fundamental truth of the unit. At the most profound sub-nuclear level of our reality, you and me, we are practically ONE AND THE SAME.
When our brain files the thoughts, it looks like the image of a cloud in the storm. The neuronal synapsis is similar to the sky between the storm and the earth, the earth being the receptive part of the synapsis. The brain seems caught in a violent storm when it presents a coherent thought, even if nobody ever saw the thoughts.
What neurophysicians can see is an unbridled storm in different zones of the brain. These zones correspond to some parts of the body and to the stimuli that the being responds to. This is a holographic image: fury, criminal instinct, hate, compassion, love etc. The brain makes no difference between what it sees in the surrounding environment and what it remembers, as in both situations the same neuronal nets are activated. The brain is made up of tiny nervous cells, called neurons. These neurons have some thin branches that connect them to other neurons, thus forming a neuronal net. Each connexion point is integrated in a thought or a memory. The brain makes up concepts by the law of associative memory. For example ideas, thoughts and feelings are all incorporated and interconnected in this neuronal net. All of them present a possible relationship, one to the other. The concept and feeling of love, for example, is “stored” in this vast neuronal net. But we are making up the concept of love from many other ideas. Some people have associated love to disappointment. And when they think of love, they experience the memory of pain, sadness, anger or even fury.
If we introduce another example, fury can be connected to the feeling of pain that can be associated to a person that is further connected to the feeling of love. In this case, the relationship between the two people does not work. We make up models referring to the way we see the outer world. The more information we have, the more we refine our model, in a way or another. Practically, we come to telling a story to ourselves, referring to the way the outer world is.
Any information that we process, any information entered to our system from the outer environment is always spiced by the experiences we used to have and by an emotional answer that we introduce as a reaction to the respective enter. Who is in command when we control our emotions or when we answer to our emotions? We know, from a physiological point of view that simultaneously activated nervous cells are connected among themselves. If we practically repeat a certain thing, nervous cells will be connected among themselves, acquiring a long-term relationship that is going to develop an automatism or a mechanism.
If we get angry or feel frustrated, if we suffer daily, if we search motives to victimize ourselves in life, then practically we reconfigure ourselves, we reintegrate daily our neuronal net.
The neuronal net has a long-term relationship with all the other nervous cells, called identity. Nervous cells, that are not simultaneous activated, are neither interconnected among themselves and they lose their long-term relationship, as each time when we interrupt a process of thinking, which produces a chemical answer in our body, nervous cells, connected among them, start breaking the long-term relationship.
When we start interrupting and observe, not from the perspective of a stimulus-answer relation and of the automate reaction, but by observing the produced effects, then we are no longer a person of the type body-mind-conscience-emotions, who responds to the surrounding environment like a self-acting mechanism. Does it mean that emotion is either good or bad? No. Emotions are configured in order to amplify, by a chemical process, a part of the long-term memory. For this reason we have them. All emotions are holographically imprinted chemical substances. The most sophisticated chemical store of the universe is here inside us.
Hi, this is Chris and my story is about awakening kundalini
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Re: Hi, this is Chris and my story is about awakening kundal