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Kundalini Reiki 2 attunement on Feb 20th, 2009

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:14 am
by sai.k.chandran
Hari Om MohanJi,

Thank you for the Kundalini Reiki 2 attunement on Feb 20th, 2009. It was indeed a wonderful experience. I am giving the feedback after about two weeks because I wanted to practice and assimilate the energy level, do some healing and then report back.

First the attunement:
The attunement was an amazing exposure to a powerful flow of energy. I could feel a very stong virbration and spinning energy ball at my root chakra and after some time on and around both the palms. Some 10 - 15 minutes into the attunement(estimated), I could experience the energy ball covering my entire body. towards the end of the attunement, I could feel a powerful presence of energy some 10 cm above my Sahasrara; this was really the best part.

Next, heelings post attunement:
The healing seesions for myself, the HLS and others has been very good too. Everyone I had passed healing before is now experiencing a substancially higher levels of energy passing through to them.

I would like to again express my gratitude for attuning me to this higher level of energy healing.

Hari Om!
