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मसाज़ (Massages)

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:22 pm
by pradeep_shaktawat
The Massage is the art of healing as well as the science of body cycle. The main process includes the balancing of the two requires of a unique individual.

Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance the function and promote relaxation and well-being.

the main ingredient in Massage is OIL.

in ayurveda there is various types of oils for various types of problems and according to session.

i will describe them soon.

मसाज प्राचीन भारतीय आयुर्वेदिक प्रक्रिया हे जिस में इन्सान के शारीर प् मौसम के अनुसार या व्याधि के अनुसार विभिन्न तेलों से मालिश की जाती हे. इन तेलों के बारे में अगली बार विस्तार से लिखूंगा.

"प्रदीप सिंह शक्तावत"