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question about Pineal Gland

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:04 pm
by alismart
hello every one
how are you today i hope all fine and doing well
i want to ask a question about how can i activate the Pineal Gland
thank you

Re: question about Pineal Gland

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:32 am
by Saille
Tashi delek, Ali,

The pineal gland's subtle body connection is with Ajna (the 3rd eye) chakra. As such, it's our inner sight. I believe it is a major way in which we connect our physical/mental/spiritual selves to the higher realms.

It's element is Light, which is what I believe all things are made of, and connects everything and all things. The color associated with Ajna varies. I've read that it can be indigo, or a very dark blue. Personally, I see it as indigo, a mixture of both blue and purple, and shot through with Light (as all the chakras are).

I am sure you'll get plenty of information on techniques to help create more activity within your Ajna from others here. But here's my take:

- First, make sure you're grounded, and then find your center (what is also called the "hara," the center of your being). It's easy to forget that our lower three chakras (Muladhara, Swadhisthana, and Muladhara, respectively) are our physical chakras. This means that our physical body must be rooted firmly for our more expansive chakras to function properly. If we are not grounded, and focused upon our higher chakras it's easy to feel spaced out, become unfocused, and forgetful.

I feel that meditation is the best way to work with your Ajna, our inner sight. And as counter as it seems, first it's important to make sure you're grounded, then centered. Then connect with your chakras, which are connected by your sushumna (running up and down your spine). Your sushumna has been called the "superhighway of the chakras."

Two major nadis, Ida and Pingala, begin at the first chakra, then weave around each chakra until they reach Ajna. Ida is feminine and represents the Moon, and Pingala is male and represents the Sun. When one is moving upwards, the other is moving downwards. This helps spin your chakras.

So, as counter as it sounds, being grounded and centered is important for meditation, giving you the roots to be strong and sure in your spiritual searchings, allowing you to reach higher.

A good analogy (and visualization) is the lotus. It's roots are strong, yet flexible, allowing the lotus flower to reach higher and higher, unfolding it's petals, nourished and sustanined by its roots.

The more you meditate (and this has been proven by both spiritual traditions and by science), the more active your pineal gland becomes. The more you meditate, also, the easier it is to reach deeper and more meaningful states of altered consciousness.

One thing that physically creates activity in the pineal gland is melatonin. You can take supplements of melatonin, and it's said to help with more vivid dreams, and some claim it not only calms them, but helps with psychic abilities.

Interestingly, all embryos have a third eye. It is this third eye that develops into the pineal gland, deep within the brain.

I have had good experiences with a Bach's Flower Remedy called Cerato. Cerato is very good for helping you to develop your third eye and to develop psychic abilities. Many empaths learning how to work with their empathic abilities take cerato when they're ready to move upwards in their development. As such, Cerato is helpful for Ajna work.

I'm sure you'll find pranayama (yogic breathing) exercises detailed at this site, and many of the members are very experienced in Pranayama and can suggest different breathing techniques for you, as well.


Re: question about Pineal Gland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:26 pm
by alismart
thank you for the wondfull answers and i will back to tell you my resutls soon
thank you again very much