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Objective of Human Life

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:54 pm
by chandresh_kumar

If I start a post entitled "Objective of Human Life", I understand the post will be very meaningful and motivate towards the correct path of human life...

Mostly we read such posts, appreciate, think for a while and then start again same routine what we are do...

Why such posts are not so important in life if we compare this with our life-style?

BUT, the posts/articles/lectures, which are teaching us the real mean of life, real way to live, the path to go...are less important... this is amazing !!!

Anycase, I would convey it again, above words are for prelude, so that you could give your proper attention.

The living style should be divine, if we cant live accordingly then it should be according to the nature and atmosphere. Human-beings have created its own living style which is differ than God's saying and nature.

Who is in mistake, human who developed this? NO.. NEVER, the developer is not in fault.... Followers are in fault. There is an example of Albert Einstein who has developed Formula to produce energy, E = M (C)Square. People have created Atom bomb by this and started devilishness >:D ... Einstein has developed formula to enhance the energy not to destroy.......

Many times, we become devil from human and then I aware you that Darvin's law will work... one day devilishness will become humanity :pN ... and we'll change, our body, our mind, our thought, all will change......... we are progressing.. Great Progress... :'( :'(

That is why self-realization is very necessary. We need to understand What we are? We are not only human being but something else... many entities are hidden in us... we are very powerful... we are spiritual..... we are connected with someone.... we are thoughtful not talkative.... AND


We are one.... but how ??? how we are united ??? we all are different entities with different body, mind and thought.... different positions .. etc etc... even then how we are one... how you are I and we are I ???

This question can be answered only after becoming afferent and searching our inner-self... inner-self of every person is same.... which is eternal.... and the body is In perpetuity... you can see yourself, you can see many colours of life.... you can enjoy your inner-self... your inner-self will start running in your body and you can feel.... your inner-self will show you many miracles, you've never thought..... inner-self will provide all happiness for you... It is yourself-myself-ourselves... which is one.... That is why we are one...

These words are heavy for the people who are not afferent... then please first become afferent... then see how your life start changing...

Love and Light :F0

Re: Objective of Human Life

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:42 am
by venuslove

Yes you are correct...Self realization is necessary for all of us to know our inner workings... by knowing our self we can begin to understand how we are all united. By surrendering to the divine ... allowing the divine to guides us we open ourselves to wonderful new insights and experiences. :F0

Sending you many blessings, love & light.

Namaste Lara

Re: Objective of Human Life

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:37 am
by pradeep_shaktawat
Dear Chndresh ji,
Thanx for a Very Nice Post