Recently I had a reading done and was told that my energy feels blocked and congested. Most of the blockages self-imposed. Makes sense so far. I have been told that even though I work at removing my blockages I also keep putting them up again - faster - and it is limiting access to my abilities. Again, so far so good. And the advise is to laugh, regularly. Immediately. Until I shake things loose.
Nothing seems funny and I don't feel like forcing myself to laugh anyway. Any ideas?
advised to laugh more, not sure how
Re: advised to laugh more, not sure how
Namaste, Tom,
I'm not sure how I missed this post, and it's a very interesting topic!
So you're supposed to laugh and shake things up, eh? I understand the premise--sort of a fake it until you make it concept. And yes, laughter is a form of expressed Light, but laughter is only one form of shaking those self-imposed blockages out. BTW, did the reader specify if the initial blockages were from this life, or a previous life?
Blockages can go very, very deep, and I'd suggest yes, energy healings, but also several other things to try besides laughter. One is a powerful meditation technique of getting very still, and then imagining yourself going down ten steps, losing your physical body more with each step down the steps. By about the fifth step I'm not aware of my physical body.
Once at the bottom of the stairs, create a sanctuary for yourself and rest there, and set the intention that you're allowing the Source/Spirit and your guides to heal your body on the subtle body level, since it affects the rest of you, as you know. Then go back up the stairs when you're ready, rejoining your physical body as you move up the stairs. I find this to be a very powerful meditation, but takes quite a lot of uninterrupted time.
The other thing I can recommend is our healing Sphere. It's infused with so many people's energy and it's a joyous meditational source. Just gaze at it and set the intention to receive the joy inside the sphere. Once you feel it, allow yourself to be immersed in it until you feel that tingly surge of energy that elicits a huge smile and an expanded heart.
Besides that, have you tried just laughing, going through the motions until you feel so silly that your laughter becomes real? Or biting on a pencil, putting it between your teeth (it uses the smile muscles).
However, some people aren't silly, and they're not into laughter for the sake of laughing. If you're one of those (and I sense you are), then go for that deep sense of peace, and focus on accepting everything for whatever it is. Joy doesn't come from the outside, as you know. It's all inside, and some people don't need to express it as silliness or ecstatic laughter. Of course, when in Rome....
I'm not sure how I missed this post, and it's a very interesting topic!
So you're supposed to laugh and shake things up, eh? I understand the premise--sort of a fake it until you make it concept. And yes, laughter is a form of expressed Light, but laughter is only one form of shaking those self-imposed blockages out. BTW, did the reader specify if the initial blockages were from this life, or a previous life?
Blockages can go very, very deep, and I'd suggest yes, energy healings, but also several other things to try besides laughter. One is a powerful meditation technique of getting very still, and then imagining yourself going down ten steps, losing your physical body more with each step down the steps. By about the fifth step I'm not aware of my physical body.
Once at the bottom of the stairs, create a sanctuary for yourself and rest there, and set the intention that you're allowing the Source/Spirit and your guides to heal your body on the subtle body level, since it affects the rest of you, as you know. Then go back up the stairs when you're ready, rejoining your physical body as you move up the stairs. I find this to be a very powerful meditation, but takes quite a lot of uninterrupted time.
The other thing I can recommend is our healing Sphere. It's infused with so many people's energy and it's a joyous meditational source. Just gaze at it and set the intention to receive the joy inside the sphere. Once you feel it, allow yourself to be immersed in it until you feel that tingly surge of energy that elicits a huge smile and an expanded heart.
Besides that, have you tried just laughing, going through the motions until you feel so silly that your laughter becomes real? Or biting on a pencil, putting it between your teeth (it uses the smile muscles).
However, some people aren't silly, and they're not into laughter for the sake of laughing. If you're one of those (and I sense you are), then go for that deep sense of peace, and focus on accepting everything for whatever it is. Joy doesn't come from the outside, as you know. It's all inside, and some people don't need to express it as silliness or ecstatic laughter. Of course, when in Rome....