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Namaste, all!

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:00 pm
by Saille
Namaste, all, :F0

I didn't have internet for quite awhile, and then my laptop died. I now have a new laptop (please send me healing energy to help me find ways of making the payments!).

Several people sent me private messages and I'm very sorry that I wasn't able to read them until now. I have responded, so please check your messages if you sent one to me in the past.

I hope everyone is well and are enjoying many blessings. I also hope everyone is doing daily energy work, are are progressing on their spiritual paths during the amazing times of changes that our Mother Earth and it's people are all entering.

There are many, many changes that have recently occured, culminating with the ushering in of enormous energy changes that entered our realm on 12.21.12, which is what that date was all about. The old age is in the last vestiges of exiting and the new age is now entering full force.

You are needed. Every one of you. I'm sure you've felt, whenever you may read this, that you have something you need to do. Or that you're missing something you can't name. Your lives may be in great turmoil. People you know may have health problems. Many are moving, or changing jobs. Relationships are ending and beginning. Sound familiar? Of course it does! Just look at the news (if you're brave), and you'll see YOUR microcosmic changes reflected in the planet's macrocosmic turmoil and upheaval. Do you need any further proof how just HOW connected everything and everyone else is to all things, everywhere?

You are needed. This is both a place of learning and teaching, and of seeking and healing. Many will be finding this site and it's marvelous people, and we need to start communicating and honing our awareness, our knowledge and wisdom, and our skills. Many of these skills are new to many people. Don't take this lightly, for if you feel changes, it's because you and others need those changes.

Many blessings to everyone. Namaste, and please--be the peace you seek.

Re: Namaste, all!

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:50 am
by mohan
Welcome back Saille.
Good post. you have rightly summed up. Change is the only thing constant within the universe, and many people our observing the changes that are taking place upon the planet and within human consciousness itself. This will offer a type of 'spiritual awakening' to all who are open to it and invite these changes into their awareness.
What to Do?
The most important thing is that we each continue raising our vibration. Each day we have a constant stream of opportunities to raise or lower our frequency. The choices we make impact all of creation.